Friday, July 23, 2010

Kitchen Visitor...A Snake!!

The story of the snake. May it by the only story I'll ever tell that begins with a snake in my kitchen!
On my day off, I was supposed to sleep in. I was woken up by the sound of breaking glass. Jason was getting ready for work and the cats were sleeping with me, so there was no one to blame for the sound. We crept through the house making sure the boggie man wasn't planning an ambush. We finally found the cause of the noise; a glass bottle sitting on the shelf had fallen and shattered. Both Jason and I bent down to examine the glass, and when I looked up, I was looking directly into the face of a snake!
Jason used a stick to get the snake into a cardboard box. It climbed right out of the box and onto the floor, but the wood was too slick for it to move anywhere fast. Jason used his stick and pushed the snake out the front door.

Once on the porch, he flicked the snake into the front yard. I had a shotgun waiting for him, and the snake was "taken care of."

It was about a 3 foot chicken snake, so it was not poisonous. We think it might have come up through the kitchen sink. We will be fixing that problem immediately! The End...I hope!

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