We had a big scare this week. On Wednesday evening, Sam started limping and complaining his back was hurting. When he got up Thursday morning, he was still limping but seemed happy overall. I got a call from his teacher midday on Thursday saying Sam was really favoring his leg, so Jason left work early to take him to his pediatrician.
The doctor said it was probably a virus that was causing his leg to be sore. She said to take him for x-Rays on Friday if it wasn't better. Friday rolled around and Sam was still limping, so I took him first thing in the morning for x-Rays. About an hour later we get a call from the doctor saying he has TWO leg fractures!!! One in his ankle and one on his femur. We very quickly made an appointment for later in the day with a pediatric orthopedist.
I was in complete shock. How did this happen and how were we going to deal with a huge cast?
Thankfully, the orthopedist did not see any fractures. He agreed that Sam has a strong virus that has impacted his leg joints. He is on lots of Motrin to reduce the inflammation. We have a follow up schedule next week to make sure all is still okay.
We are so thankful is wasn't fractures!!