Friday, July 17, 2015

Construction is moving along

Our house build is finally starting to look like something.  It's exciting to see the outer walls go up and the footprint of the house come to life.  It still looks like the finish date will probably  be November.  For now, we are excited to see the progress!

Here is Sam standing in his room.  Although at this stage of the build it was pretty confusing to walk through the rooms, Sam knows where his room is in the house.  He told me that his bunny will stay in his room with him.  Too cute.

This is the latest picture of the house.  They air conditioner is all ready to go, the outer walls are up, and the roof has tar paper.  The driveway and sidewalks have been formed up.  I bet the next time we stop by, there will be a driveway!

Jason likes to stop by multiple times each week.  It's fun to see the progress.

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