It's never fun to report tough times, but the reality of living with sensory processing disorder is that life can get tough. We've had a big bump in the last 24 hours.
Yesterday was a good morning for Sam. We went to an autism fair with vendors that also carry tools for sensory processing disorder. After spending the morning looking at the fair, we went out to eat, got some ice cream, and bought a few used DVDs. When we got back to the hotel, we started having some troubles. They continued on until bedtime, leaving us all exhausted.
This morning we had OT with Lindsay bright and early at 9:00 a.m. Although I would prefer to see Sam happy and having fun, I am really glad Lindsay got to see what happens when Sam "loses it." We are hoping that Lindsay will have helpful ideas to give us now that she sees the struggles we have at home sometimes.
I don't like to focus on the hard time when I write in the blog, but sometimes it needs to be said. The last five months have been REALLY hard. Sam is changing and developing as a young boy. His sensory needs are changing as he changes, and it's hard for Jason and I to keep up with the changes when they happen so fast. We had our tool kit for the 3-4 year old boy, but this new developmental stage has left us confused and tired. We are trying hard, but most nights it seems I go to bed feeling like I've failed. It's tiring when feelings of failure follow you every day. There needs to be a better way.
So, that is why we are here at the STAR Center. Although it's hard, there are tools we can learn to use to help Sam where he is now. There is hope for a happier time for our family and for Sam. The struggle is real, but we trust that God will help us to meet the needs of the little boy he placed in our home and in our hearts.