Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Field Trip

Sam's class went to the Austin Science and Nature Center his first day back to school. They needed drivers, so of course I volunteered to go along!

Here's several of the kids watching a worker clean the cage of a red fox. 
We got to see animals, dig for Dinosaur bones, and use magnifying glasses to look at nature close up. 

All the boys liked to look at the bug collection. 

Sam did really well on the field trip. I was a little worried he would have a hard time going on a trip the first day back after two weeks away. In reality, he did really well. One building was really noisy, so he had a little trouble with the noise, but otherwise, he stayed with his friends rather than hanging around with me. I was so happy to see his ease with his friends. 

The trip was a success!

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