Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pizza, Water, Repeat

Oh the pizza options!  Denver is very gluten-free friendly.  I could eat out for every meal and never have to eat the same thing twice.  I LOVE pizza, and GF pizza options are endless.  So, we have had pizza four times in the last week.  I may weigh 20 more pounds before this trip is over, but I am going to have my fill of pizza before I leave!

Denver is known as the "Mile High" city, and we are very familiar with the effects of the elevation.  We were told at the Star Center that we needed to double or triple our water intake to combat the effects of the elevation.  So, we have been drinking a TON of water.  In one week, we went through two 24 bottle cases of water.  In addition, we have used probably close to 15 gallons of distilled water in our two humidifiers to combat the dry air. With all the water we are drinking, we are still winded walking up to the third floor to our apartment.  I wish we could acclimate faster!

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