Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of Preschool!

I can't believe Sam is in preschool! Where did the time go?
I was nervous for Sam all day yesterday. It took me all afternoon to prepare his school stuff. He was a little anxious yesterday too. He knew school was coming up, but it's hard for a four year old to know exactly what that means. 
To help Sam prepare for school, I made him a book with pictures from our trips to the school, pictures of his classroom and teachers, and an idea about what his day will be like. The book is called a social story. It helps kids with anxiety to know what to expect in the future. It helps Sam plan his day in his head. 
When he got up this morning, he was a little anxious. He didn't want to get dressed. He got in the car pretty well. When we pulled into the school, he threw his hands into the air and said, "Yay!"  Then he wanted out of the car. He walked up to the front door, he put his school stuff in his classroom, and I walked him to the playground. I gave his a kiss and he said bye. Then he went to play. Wow! I didn't expect him to transition so smoothly!! I really hope he has a good first day!

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